September 1st 2021
Strong preference for mist delivery
During the summer, EYE-GO teamed up with the Department of Ophthalmology at the University Hospital in Copenhagen to conduct a Comfort study of the MistGo® technology. 20 patients aged 40-90 years and suffering from dry eye disease with severe to mild symptoms participated. The results were striking and univocal. The study confirmed a strong preference of patients for our mist delivery over drop delivery from an eye drop bottle.
Commonly cited reasons for high scores in favor of the mist delivery with MistGo® were:
“I feel the liquid is distributed better and more effectively in the eye with the mist.”
“My eyes feel better lubricated with the mist.”
“The mist leaves no excess liquid in my face or running down my cheeks.”
“The mist dose seems more optimal and therefore also more economic.”
“With the mist delivery I have peace of mind and feel reassured that my eyes have been treated correctly”.
To learn more about the study and scores, contact Henrik Nagel on