June 18th 2024

Launch of Commercial and Scientific Advisory Boards

EYE-GO, the developer of the groundbreaking micro-dosing delivery system for eye medication, is proud to announce the formation of its first Commercial Advisory Board (CAB). This esteemed board is composed of pharmaceutical and medical device experts and thought leaders from the United States and Europe, each bringing a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table. The CAB will play a pivotal role in exploring, discussing, and acting on opportunities within the ophthalmology industry, instilling confidence in EYE-GO’s capabilities.

The members of the Commercial Advisory Board include:

Marie Gunroth Troili

Dave LeCause

Arnaud Magnier

Geert W. Nygaard

“We are thrilled to announce the launch of our Commercial Advisory Board, and we are especially excited to welcome this esteemed group of industry leaders,” states Henrik Nagel, CEO of EYE-GO. “This new development marks a significant step in our journey, and we look forward to the valuable insights and contributions of our board members.”

EYE-GO is equally excited to announce the addition of Professor Miriam Kolko as a scientific advisor. Miriam, a renowned chief physician and glaucoma specialist at the Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, and a Professor of Translational Eye Research at the Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology at the University of Copenhagen, brings a new level of glaucoma expertise to our team. She will be joining Professor Steffen Heegard, the Research Director at the Department of Ophthalmology at the Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, and a professor at the University of Copenhagen. Professor Heegard has been serving as a scientific advisor for EYE-GO since 2016. With the addition of Professor Kolko, we are optimistic about the future advancements of EYE-GO’s micro-dosing delivery system for eye medication.

”MistGo® provides people dependent on topical ophthalmic treatment an easy way to treat their eye condition effectively and achieve the best therapeutic outcome.

It is an ophthalmic game changer that offers new promising perspectives for how we can treat severe and chronic eye conditions in the future”, says Steffen Heegard.